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Gaithersburg, MD Zip Code List, Maps, Population and Demographics

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Heading Statistic
Timezone America/New_York
City Name Gaithersburg
State Name Maryland
County Name Montgomery
Universities 0
Law Enforcement 2 Locations
Hospitals 0
Heading Statistic
Current Population 68,952
Housing Units 25,264
Median Home Value $513,800
Avg Income $125,056
Occupied Houses 24,523
Vacant Houses 741

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Maryland 3-Digit Zip Code Map Showing Gaithersburg

Customize, edit and export maps of America, Gaithersburg and the rest of the world in various levels of detail. Color US states, 3-digit zip codes and county boundaries and assign them to various different headings. Colors, heading names and heading colors can be changed at will.

This MD 3-digit map also shows main roads, highways and other major routes throughout the country. As well as the main zip codes you can also see the Gaithersburg clearly.. This editable vector files pack will give you vector files including (AI, EPS, PDF) and high quality images (JPG, PNG, GIF) for Gaithersburg

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County Map of Gaithersburg, American Maps

We have drawn every one of the 3000+ county boundaries throughout the United States. Maryland is split into 3-digit zip codes, 5-digit zip codes and county boundaries. Download or buy the MD county boundary map for for any graphic design, web development or bespoke printing. These maps are perfect for administrative or political design and due to their vector design can be printed at any size without losing quality.

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We're a map design company so we've accumulated a lot of data over the years. Whether it's law enforcement, medical or commercial we probably have it.

You can download our data and files for Gaithersburg here for FREE. If you need any data that isn't available here please get in touch through our contact form.

Population Figures for Gaithersburg

Gaithersburg Population Between 2010 and 2022

The line chart below shows the population in Gaithersburg between 2013 and 2022. Back in 2013 there were 65,689 people living in the city of Gaithersburg. Since then the population has increased to 68,952 people.

Year Population
2022 68,952
2021 69,109
2019 67,982
2018 68,294
2017 68,721
2016 67,760
2015 67,445
2014 66,807
2013 65,689

Total Population by Age in Gaithersburg

Gaithersburg has a total population of 68,952. In the bar chart and table below, this population is split into 18 different age range segments.

Most inhabitants of Gaithersburg are in the 30 to 34 years age bracket. As of the last census, there are 6,129 people in this segment.

The 80 to 84 years segment is the smallest age range in Gaithersburg. There are just 1,362 people in this category.

Age Range Population
Under 5 5,319
5 to 9 3,907
10 to 14 5,355
15 to 19 3,479
20 to 24 4,866
25 to 29 3,746
30 to 34 6,129
35 to 39 5,051
40 to 44 5,077
Age Range Population
45 to 49 4,921
50 to 54 3,139
55 to 59 4,355
60 to 64 3,344
65 to 69 2,765
70 to 74 2,448
75 to 79 1,665
80 to 84 1,362
Over 85 2,024

Race and Gender Population of Gaithersburg

Women make up the highest portion of people in Gaithersburg. There are 33,084 men and 35,868 women in this city.

This gives you a ratio of 12 men to women in Gaithersburg

There are no people who identify as: Native Hawaiian in Gaithersburg.

Most people in this zip code are White, with a total of 34,765 people in this category.

The chart and table below shows the population of people and which race they belong to in Gaithersburg

Gender Population
Male 33,084
Female 35,868
Race Population
White 34765
Black or African American 9956
American Indian and Alaska Native 1278
Asian 11152
Other Race 21240

Real Estate Figures for Gaithersburg

Total Households Avg. Household Size Total Families Average Family Size Owner/Renter Occupied
24,523 3 15,333 4 51.20% - 48.80%

Housing Types in Gaithersburg

Below are two charts showing the amount of occupied vs vacant homes and the amount of renter vs owner occupied houses in Gaithersburg.

Gaithersburg has 51.20% occupied by home owners. 51.20% of housing units in Gaithersburg are occupied by renters. This means that out of a total of 25,264 there are a 741 vacant units and 24,523 housing units that are currently occupied.

Homeowners have a vacancy rate of

Occupied Units Vacant Units Owner Vacancy Rate Rental Vacancy Rate
25,264 741 % %
Owner-Occupied Renter-Occupied
51.20% 48.80%

Property Value in Gaithersburg

Most homes in Gaithersburg are valued $500,000 to $999,999, with 5,410 houses in this category.

There are just 50 houses valued at $500,000 to $999,999. As you can see in the chart and table below, this is the smallest segment in this zip code.

House Value Units
Less than $50,000 50
$50,000 to $99,999 77
$100,000 to $149,999 198
$150,000 to $199,999 635
$200,000 to $299,999 1,137
House Value Units
$300,000 to $499,999 3,978
$500,000 to $999,999 5,410
$1,000,000 or more 1,072
Median House Value $1,916

Household Income Generated 12-months of 2022

The chart and tables below show the household income segments for households in the Gaithersburg. 2.40% of households are on the low end, earning less than $10,000 in 2022.

On the other end, 15.30% of households earned more than $200,000 in the same year. You will also see that the mean income of this zipcode is around $125,056.

Most households in Gaithersburg earn in the Median income (dollars) range. 95,453% of households are in this segment.

Income Range Percent
Less than $10,000 2.40%
$10,000 to $14,999 0.80%
$15,000 to $24,999 4.60%
$25,000 to $34,999 4.80%
$35,000 to $49,999 8.10%
$50,000 to $74,999 13.90%
Income Range Percent
$75,000 to $99,999 16.30%
$100,000 to $149,999 23.60%
$150,000 to $199,999 10.10%
$200,000 or more 15.30%
Mean income $125,056

Bedrooms, Rooms and Units in Structures in Gaithersburg

Below are three pie charts and tables showing the amount of bedrooms, total rooms and structures in houses for this zip code.

Most houses in Gaithersburg have 3 bedrooms, with a total of 7,568 houses.

In regards to rooms in general, people in this zip code have an average of 5 rooms in their house. Most houses actually have 5 rooms in their house. 5,911 homes fit into this category.

5,911 homes in Gaithersburg are in the 1-unit, attached category, which is the most common in terms of structures for this area.

The largest homes tracked, which are 20 units or more, make up 6173 of the houses in this zip code. On the other end, 12,491 houses make up the smallest homes, which are 1 unit, mobile homes or boats.

Bedrooms Units
No bedroom 414
1 bedroom 4,957
2 bedrooms 6,970
3 bedrooms 7,568
4 bedrooms 4,337
5 or more bedrooms 1,018
Rooms Units
1 room 335
2 rooms 1,412
3 rooms 3,200
4 rooms 3,222
5 rooms 5,911
6 rooms 2,841
7 rooms 1,973
8 rooms 2,521
9 rooms or more 3,849
Median rooms 5
Units in Structure Units
1-unit, detached 5237
1-unit, attached 7152
2 units 60
3 or 4 units 266
5 to 9 units 1606
10 to 19 units 4668
20 or more units 6173
Mobile home 102
Boat, RV, van, etc. 0

Year that Homes were Built in Gaithersburg

Most homes in Gaithersburg were Built 1980 to 1989. A total of 5,184 homes were built during this period.

The lowest rate of building development in Gaithersburg came between 1940 to 1949. Only 113 were built during this period.

Years Units
Built 2020 or later 382
Built 2010 to 2019 3,079
Built 2000 to 2009 4,135
Built 1990 to 1999 4,406
Built 1980 to 1989 5,184
Years Units
Built 1970 to 1979 4,665
Built 1960 to 1969 2,247
Built 1950 to 1959 841
Built 1940 to 1949 113
Built 1939 or earlier 212

Financial and Employment Figures for Gaithersburg

Education and Learning

Gaithersburg Colleges and Universities List


There are 0 colleges and universities in Gaithersburg. Below you will find the full list for this state. Please feel free to download this data as a CSV or Excel file. Please get in touch if you need any other data or help.

Name City Zip Code Employees Enrollment

Healthcare and Hospitals

In Gaithersburg there are a total of 0. In the table below you will see every hospital and medical facility in this state. You can download the data to see all the information we have on each hospital.

Name City Zip Code Beds Trauma

Crime and Law Enforcement

Name City Zip Code Type

Full Zip Code List for Gaithersburg


There are a total of 8 in Gaithersburg 5 digit zip codes. You can use the list below to check which zip codes are in this state. Alternatively you can download the full list as an Excel file.

Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code

Products for Gaithersburg Zip Codes

Vector USA Map Files for Download

The United States 3 Digit Zip Code map contains all the same data as the 2 Digit map including state boundaries and labels. It also contains additional layers showing the 3 digit zip code zones of each state. This is a very detailed map yet it can be easily edited using software as simple as Microsoft Powerpoint. Various other vector file formats are included.

USA 3 Digit Zip Code and State Boundaries Map

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