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North Port Florida Maps, Zip Codes and Statistics

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North Port, Florida, is a city located in Sarasota County and is part of the North Port–Bradenton–Sarasota Metropolitan Statistical Area. As of the 2020 US Census, the city had a population of 74,793. North Port was originally developed by the General Development Corporation as the northern Sarasota County portion of its Port Charlotte development. It was initially named North Port Charlotte and was incorporated under that name in 1959. However, in 1974, the residents voted to change the city's name to North Port, aiming to establish a separate identity from Port Charlotte, which is located in the adjacent Charlotte County.

The city is home to the Little Salt Spring, an archaeological and paleontological site owned by the University of Miami. This site provides evidence that the area was inhabited by pre-Columbian Native Americans, adding a layer of historical significance to the city. North Port covers an extensive area of 104.21 square miles, making it a large-scale residential area with a complex network of streets. It has also annexed nearby areas, including Warm Mineral Springs, known for its artesian spring.

North Port has experienced significant growth over the years, both in terms of population and infrastructure. The city operates under a council–manager form of government, with a city manager and a city commission comprising five members. It has its own police force, fire department, and waste management services, indicating a well-established local governance structure. The city is also the Spring Training home for the Atlanta Braves, adding a sporting dimension to its community life.

Overall, North Port is a city with a rich history, diverse population, and a wide range of amenities, making it a notable place to live or visit in Florida.

Heading Statistic
Timezone GMT -5
State Code FL
Zip Code Count 4
Universities 0
Law Enforcement 1 Locations
Hospitals 0
Heading Statistic
Current Population 74,793
Median Household Income $68,583
Bachelor's Degree or Higher 29.1%
Employment Rate 56.2%
Total Houses 33,672
No Healthcare Coverge 8.8%
Total Households 30,622

North Port Zip Code Products

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Florida 3-Digit United States Zip Code Map

Customize, edit and export maps of America, North Port and the rest of the world in various levels of detail. Color US states, 3-digit zip codes and county boundaries and assign them to various different headings. Colors, heading names and heading colors can be changed at will.

This FL 3-digit map also shows main roads, highways and other major routes throughout the country. As well as the main zip codes you can also see the main cities throughout North Port. This editable vector files pack will give you vector files including (AI, EPS, PDF) and high quality images (JPG, PNG, GIF) for North Port

Florida county coloring tool

County Map of Florida, American Maps

We have drawn every one of the 3000+ county boundaries throughout the United States. North Port is split into 3-digit zip codes, 5-digit zip codes and county boundaries. Download or buy the FL county boundary map for for any graphic design, web development or bespoke printing. These maps are perfect for administrative or political design and due to their vector design can be printed at any size without losing quality.

image of a 3-digit zip code coloring tool

Florida 5-Digit Zip Code Coloring Tool

Customize the North Port state map and color it's 4 5-digit zip codes! Create sales territory maps of North Port and every other state using our simple online tool. Add up to 52 headings and color your map according to these headings.

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We're a map design company so we've accumulated a lot of data over the years. Whether it's law enforcement, medical or commercial we probably have it.

You can download our data and files for Florida here for FREE. If you need any data that isn't available here please get in touch through our contact form.

Population and People of North Port, Florida

North Port Age and Sex Distribution

As of 2020, North Port, Florida had a population of 74,793 people. The median age in this city is 50.6 years. This is approximately 7.8 years less than the median age in Florida.

The largest segment of people in North Port city is Men between 70 and 74. There are 3,660 people in this group. Other than this, there are generally a higher female population in this city.

Age Range Male Female
Under 5 Years 1,421 2,056
5 to 9 Years 1,877 1,909
10 to 14 Years 2,271 1,728
15 to 19 Years 2,320 2,116
20 to 24 Years 2,818 1,752
25 to 29 Years 1,468 1,884
30 to 34 Years 1,163 2,122
35 to 39 Years 1,327 1,238
40 to 44 Years 1,713 2,041
Age Range Male Female
45 to 49 Years 2,404 2,978
50 to 54 Years 1,875 2,313
55 to 59 Years 2,498 3,553
60 to 64 Years 2,625 2,505
65 to 69 Years 2,196 3,436
70 to 74 Years 3,660 3,336
75 to 79 Years 1,594 1,881
80 to 84 Years 1,402 1,059
85 Years and Over 723 867

Ancestry of People in North Port City, Florida

The highest ancestry in North Port City is German, with 14.4%. At just 0.5%, Norwegian ancestry is the lowest segment in this city. There are 8 other ancestry segments in North Port: English, French, German, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Polish and Scottish.

Ancestry Portion
English 9.1%
French (except Basque) 2.7%
German 14.4%
Irish 11.6%
Italian 8.2%
Norwegian 0.5%
Polish 5.6%
Scottish 1.0%
Subsaharan African 0.0%

Languages Spoken at Home

The languages spoken in North Port aren't surprising. The largest portion of the population speak english, approximately 86.4%. Spanish makes up around 7.4% of people.

Language Portion
English only 86.4%
Spanish 7.4%
Other Indo-European languages 5.1%
Asian and Pacific Islander languages 0.8%
Other languages 0.2%

Real Estate Figures

Total Households Median Gross Rent Total Families Home Ownership Rate
30,622 $1,291 14,436 77.1%

Households in North Port City, Florida

North Port has approximately 30,622 households as of the last US census in 2021. This is out of 9,865,350 houses in Florida. Below are more housing and household figures for Florida and North Port.

Most houses are valued between $200,000 and $299,999 at 38.1%. The rarest value of home in North Port is worth over $1,000,000. Just 1.2% of homes are worth this much.

North Port has a higher ownership rate than the Florida average. 79.7% of people own their homes here compared to 67.2% in Florida.

$1,000 to $1,500 is by far the most common rental cost in this city. 50.4% of units are placed in this category. Surprisingly there are no properties that cost between $2,500 and $2,999.

Financial and Employment Figures for North Port City

Government Workers Commuting Time Employment Rate Mean Work Hours
10.9% 30.3 mins 53.6% 37.9

The employment rate in North Port is slightly less than the rest of Florida. The city has an employment rate of 53.6% whereas Florida as a whole has 56.8% of the population in work.

These workers normally spend around 30.3 minutes on their commute to work.

Florida, and North Port in particular have a very low percentage of workers in agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting and mining. Florida as a whole has 0.9% and North Port City has 0.2% of their population working in this industry.

Employment Status for Population Over 16

Industry Value
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, mining 0.2%
Construction 15.8%
Manufacturing 6.2%
Wholesale trade 1.4%
Retail trade 17.7%
Transportation, warehousing, utilities 4.6%
Information 1.3%
Industry Value
Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, leasing 5.1%
Professional, scientific, management 11.6%
Educational services, health care, social assistance 16.5%
Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation, food services 10.2%
Other services 4.5%
Public administration 4.8%

Occupation for North Port Workers

Most workers in North Port work in the management, business, science and the arts sectors. A total of 11,388 occupants reported working in this sector during the last census.

The least popular sector for workers in North Port is production and transportation with just 4,052 people working in this area.

Occupation Population
Management, Business, Sciences and Arts 11,388
Service, Truck or Van Carpool 8,023
Sales and Office Transport 9,407
Natural Resources, Construction and Maintenance 4,684
Production or Transportation 4,052

Most Popular Employment Industries

Retail is the most popular industry for people in North Port. 17.7% of people work in the retail industry. This data only counts occupants that are over 16 years of age.

Education and Learning Statistics

Bachelor's Degree or Higher School Enrollment Nursery/Pre-School
25.4% 64.7% 5.3%

Educational Attainment Level

As you can see below, just over 30% of occupants in North Port have a high school degree or equivalent. A good portion of the population has also attended some form of college education. 10% of people have managed to attain a professional degree.

Occupation Population
High school or equivalent degree 30.2%
Some college, no degree 26.3%
Associate's degree 11.5%
Bachelor's degree 15.4%
Graduate or professional degree 10.0%

North Port Colleges and Universities List


There are 0 colleges and universities in North Port. Below you will find the full list for this state. Please feel free to download this data as a CSV or Excel file. Please get in touch if you need any other data or help.

Crime and Law Enforcement

Name City Zip Code Type

Full Zip Code List for North Port


There are a total of 4 in 5 digit zip codes North Port. You can use the list below to check which zip codes are in this state. Alternatively you can download the full list as an Excel file.

Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code

All 1 counties in the state of Florida


As you can see in the table below, there are 1 counties in the North Port

County County Code County County Code County County Code
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Products for North Port

FL - Customizable US Territory Maps

The United States 3 Digit Zip Code map contains all the same data as the 2 Digit map including state boundaries and labels. It also contains additional layers showing the 3 digit zip code zones of each state. This is a very detailed map yet it can be easily edited using software as simple as MicrosoftPowerpoint. Various other vector file formats are included.

USA 3 Digit Zip Code and State Boundaries Map

Editable North Port Zip Code Maps

Vector USA Map Files for Download

The United States 3 Digit Zip Code map contains all the same data as the 2 Digit map including state boundaries and labels. It also contains additional layers showing the 3 digit zip code zones of each state. This is a very detailed map yet it can be easily edited using software as simple as Microsoft Powerpoint. Various other vector file formats are included.

USA 3 Digit Zip Code and State Boundaries Map

Download USA Map Files